Friday, December 31, 2010

January 2011

Pastor’s Notes


May the New Year bring you and your family abundant blessings of joy and hope.

2010 brought many great changes at The Power Houses. This included an increase in participation in Pizza Church. Thank you for continuing to encourage your child’s attendance each Friday evening.

It’s not too early to start thinking about camp in July 2011. We’re experiencing a dramatic increase in the camp fees. Making sure that your child continues to participate in church regularly is the best way for them to earn a week-long trip to camp in July.

We’re looking toward a great year in 2011. Thank you for your continued trust in helping with your child’s spiritual development.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

Hunger Challenge

In March several teens from Pigtown will be participating in a hunger challenge to both learn about world hunger and to raise monies to prevent starvation in other lands. Watch this newsletter for more details.

January Topics

January’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

1/7 12-Year-Old Jesus in the Temple
1/14 Baptism of Jesus
1/21 Jesus in the Desert
1/28 Jesus at the Wedding Feast

The 8:00 High School Group will continue their study of the Gospel of Luke.


Did you know that kids who come to activities at The Power House at least 40 times during a year (July through June) earn a trip to Friendly’s with the youth ministry staff? Congratulations to Bryce Anderson, Fred Ceo, Crystal Pettis, and Davon Burley for being the first four to do so this year.


Ms. Sarah, one of our youth ministers, just got back from spending several weeks ministering in Australia! We’re looking forward to hearing all about her experiences there.

Sundae Church

Just a reminder that High School students (grades 9-12) can enjoy ice cream at The Power House the 4th Saturday of each month at 8 p.m.