Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 2011

Pastor’s Notes


If the Son gives you freedom, you are free!
---John 8:36 CEV

This verse from the Bible is one I think about often this time of year. As wonderful as the freedoms that our country gives us are, the freedom that Jesus gives is so much more.

As parents of teenagers, you know that the kids are always trying to test their freedoms. It can be quite a challenge sometimes. It’s always a tough balance between keeping them safe and letting them learn from their own mistakes.

Fortunately for us, Christ’s grace provides eternal safety despite our mistakes in this life. At the same time, we are free to be guided by the Holy Spirit in paths of righteousness.

May we truly live in freedom -- the freedom that lets us follow Jesus.

Thank you for your continued trust and support of the ministries at The Power House.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

July Topics

July’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

7/1 Justice
7/8 Fruit of the Spirit
7/15 Peace
7/22 Faith
7/29 The Armor of God

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying lessons in the Old Testament.


Five high school students from The Power House will be traveling to Lamoni, Iowa, later this month for Spectacular, a week-long Christian event at Graceland University. Please be prayerful for their travels and for their experiences when they are there.

Camp Credits

July 1 begins our new year in terms of kids earning credits toward going to summer camp in Virginia. Everyone has an equal opportunity to earn a trip to camp next year through getting participation credits each time they come to The Power House. Please encourage your child to start earning credits right away as competition for space at camp gets tougher each year.

God looked at what he had done.
All of it was very good!
--- Genesis 1:31 (CEV)