Friday, November 11, 2011

November 2011

Happy Fall!

We have had a great beginning to the fall season at Power House. Now that the excitement of costumes and candy has passed, let’s really focus on giving thanks this November.

November is a time when we remember our blessings and give thanks for the people and good things in our lives. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize our blessings. And we all have days when we are less than cheerful. Even in those moments, we are asked to remember that we belong to Christ Jesus, and the great gift that He has given each of us.

This month our Scripture lessons include how we can use our gifts and talents, serve others and give thanks to God. At the end of the month we will begin the Advent season. Advent is the weeks leading up to Christmas in which we read and prepare for Christmas. Everyone is welcome to join us on the first Sunday of Advent, November 27th for worship.

Take time this Thanksgiving season to look around and give thanks. See the beautiful fall leaves, the brisk weather and our family and friends, all part of God’s blessing. We look forward to sharing with you and your family this Thanksgiving season. God continues to shower blessings on our neighborhood. Look around and give thanks for what God has done!

In Christ,

The Power House

November’s Topics

November’s topics for the 6:00 4th and 5th grades and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

11/4 Parable of the Talents
11/11 Sheep and Goats
11/18 Thanksgiving
11/25 Prophecies of Christmas

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying the Gospel of Mark.

Community Events

November 20, Turkey Trot Skateboarding and Bike Contest


SonRisers, our time with donuts and hot chocolate for kids on their way to school is hitting record numbers! We’re open each Wednesday school is in session. Remember to collect your Scripture cards, six different colored cards can earn a free t-shirt. We’ve already given away our first free t-shirt! Be sure to stop by and say hello!

“Like” Us on Facebook

Search “The Power House Community of Christ” to receive the latest news, information, and photos from the church.

October 2011


The weather is finally getting cooler and we have officially entered fall! Even with all of the rain and school delays, hopefully everyone is getting settled into the new school year.

October is a great time to take a look around at God’s creation. We can still see the last blooms of summer but we catch glimpses of changing leaves and the beginning of fall colors. God is still working, and He’s never stopped!

This month we take time to get dressed up and have fun celebrations for Halloween. Just like the pumpkins we carve and decorate, God is ready to scoop out all the gunk inside of us and give us new life through Jesus.

So take a look around and take notice of what God is doing. We are busy “Building the Kingdom Here and Now” and are blessed to have your children participate. God is still doing great things in the Pigtown neighborhood! We would love for you and your family to be a part of it.

In Christ,

The Power House

October’s Topics

October’s topics for the 6:00 4th and 5th grades and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

10/7 Workers in the Vineyard
10/14 The Great Banquet
10/21 10 Girls and Oil Lamps
10/28 Fears and Halloween

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying the Gospel of Mark.

Community Events

October 1st- St. Agnes Health Fare

October 1st- Balto. City Fire Dept. Thrill Show

October 23rd- Hallo Bike & Skateboard Contest



SonRisers, our time with donuts and hot chocolate for kids on their way to school, has started! We’ll be open each Wednesday school is in session. Remember to collect your Scripture cards, six different colored cards can earn a free t-shirt. Be sure to stop by and say hello!

“Like” Us on Facebook

Search “The Power House Community of Christ” to receive the latest news, information, and photos from the church.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 2011

Church News


Welcome to fall! It’s time for school and new beginnings. After a long summer and a few hurricanes we are ready to get back into our regular schedule of activities here at the Power House.

One important announcement is that Pastor Jeff will be taking some time off for a few weeks. He is a valuable part of the community and a very hard worker for Christ, we look forward to his return later in the fall. Until then we ask that you all keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Meanwhile, events are in full swing and we look forward to seeing you! Ms. Tamara and Ms. Sarah to name a few will still continue to run the regular activities. As followers of Jesus we continue to trust in God and his guidance as we continue to follow the path he has set before us.

We are excited to have you be part of this amazing journey of faith.

In Christ,

The Power House

“Like” Us on Facebook

Search “The Power House Community of Christ” to receive the latest news, information, and photos from the church.

September’s Topics

August’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

9/2 Farmer and Seeds
9/9 Lost Sheep
9/16 Lost Coin
9/23 Prodigal Son
9/30 Good Samaritan

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying the Gospel of Mark.

Pigtown Festival

It is time again for the annual neighborhood festival, Pigtown Fest. It will be Saturday September 17, 2011 noon till 7pm right on Washington Blvd (near the library). We will have a booth representing the church. Please stop by to visit and make a peace craft and hear more about activities for the fall!


SonRisers, our time with donuts and hot chocolate for kids on their way to school, has started! We’ll be open each Wednesday school is in session. Remember to collect your Scripture cards, six different colored cards can earn a free t-shirt. Be sure to stop by and say hello!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

August 2011

Pastor’s Notes


The month of August brings many changes in our lives. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with them.

Many kids will be starting at a new school by the end of the month. Those first days at a new Middle School or High School can exciting and challenging for kids.

We also have some kids who recently completed their time in youth ministry and will now be starting college, vocational training, or new jobs. They’ll soon be experiencing a whole new set of challenges in life.

Much like the rest of life, August brings many changes. Fortunately, as followers of Jesus we have the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us through these changes into the lives God calls us to live. May we continue to trust in His leadings and lean on Him for our comfort and strength.

Thank you again for continuing to bless this church by having your kids participate in its activities. We are honored to have them be a part of the church.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

August’s Topics

August’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

8/5 Salvation
8/12 Evangelism
8/19 Word of God
8/26 Blessings

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying lessons in the Old Testament.

School Supply Distribution

Our annual School Supply Distribution will take place on Sunday, August 28, beginning at 3:00 p.m. Each child who wants supplies must be present and we cannot let people take supplies for kids who are not here. Bring your friends and neighbors and let’s start this school year out right!


SonRisers, our time with donuts and hot chocolate for kids on their way to school, will start its 12th year this fall. We’ll be open each Wednesday school is in session beginning on August 31. Be sure to stop by and say hello!

“Like” Us on Facebook

Search “The Power House Community of Christ” to receive the latest news, information, and photos from the church.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 2011

Pastor’s Notes


If the Son gives you freedom, you are free!
---John 8:36 CEV

This verse from the Bible is one I think about often this time of year. As wonderful as the freedoms that our country gives us are, the freedom that Jesus gives is so much more.

As parents of teenagers, you know that the kids are always trying to test their freedoms. It can be quite a challenge sometimes. It’s always a tough balance between keeping them safe and letting them learn from their own mistakes.

Fortunately for us, Christ’s grace provides eternal safety despite our mistakes in this life. At the same time, we are free to be guided by the Holy Spirit in paths of righteousness.

May we truly live in freedom -- the freedom that lets us follow Jesus.

Thank you for your continued trust and support of the ministries at The Power House.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

July Topics

July’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

7/1 Justice
7/8 Fruit of the Spirit
7/15 Peace
7/22 Faith
7/29 The Armor of God

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying lessons in the Old Testament.


Five high school students from The Power House will be traveling to Lamoni, Iowa, later this month for Spectacular, a week-long Christian event at Graceland University. Please be prayerful for their travels and for their experiences when they are there.

Camp Credits

July 1 begins our new year in terms of kids earning credits toward going to summer camp in Virginia. Everyone has an equal opportunity to earn a trip to camp next year through getting participation credits each time they come to The Power House. Please encourage your child to start earning credits right away as competition for space at camp gets tougher each year.

God looked at what he had done.
All of it was very good!
--- Genesis 1:31 (CEV)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June 2011

Pastor’s Notes


With the school year coming to an end it’s time to start our summer youth ministry schedule at The Power House.

You’ll be glad to know that Pizza Church will continue throughout the summer on it regular schedule each Friday. If your child is going into 6th or 9th grade, they can begin attending their new groups (middle school at 7:00 p.m. and high school at 8:00 p.m.) beginning July 1.

We also have special events scheduled throughout the summer as well. For example, Bible School for kids age 4 through grade 5 is August 16-19. Watch this newsletter for more information about this and other events throughout the summer.

Of course, we continue with our Morning Worship services from 11:00 a.m. to Noon each Sunday. Please be sure to take some time to come and worship together as a family.

Thank you for continuing to encourage your child’s participation in activities at The Power House. Your trust is our highest honor.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

June Topics

June’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

6/3 The Great Commission
6/10 Pentecost
6/17 Fatherhood
6/24 Truth

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying lessons in the Old Testament.


We would like to extend our sincere congratulations to those who are graduating from high school this month. We will be honoring them at a Celebration Service on Sunday, June 19, at 6:00 p.m. See you there!


Graduating high school seniors and long-term Pizza Church participants Fred Ceo and Crystal Pettis were each recently awarded college scholarships at Graceland University through the Community of Christ Leadership program. Along with the money, they will be enrolled in a program to help them grow spiritually and be prepared to help them become leaders in the church. Congratulations Crystal and Fred!

Encourage one another,
and build each other up.
--- 1Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

May 2011

Pastor’s Notes


I hope your Easter celebrations went well. Let us celebrate our risen Savior every day!

Many of you have been wondering about camp this summer. With that I have good news.

We’ll be using a different campground this year. It’s right at the edge of the Shenandoah Mountains and features things like its own lake for swimming, fishing, and canoeing. It also has excellent hiking trails, waterfalls, and other features that our old campground lacked.

With these features comes a higher price. We continue to work at raising monies to send kids this year. With the current economy, raising money has been more of a challenge than ever.

Please join us in prayer about this issue. We have many kids who would like to go to camp and need the money to make it happen.

In addition, if you know of someone or some organization who would like to sponsor sending a kid to camp, please have them contact me at and I can help them do so.

Thank you for your continued support and trust. It is an honor to work with you.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

May Topics

May’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

5/6 Honor Your Father and Mother
5/13 Jesus and Thomas
5/20 Jesus Appears on the Shore
5/27 Jesus and Peter

The 8:00 High School Group will be starting a new video-based series of lessons.

Grade Changes

Since Pizza Church groups are divided by grade, I get many questions about when kids should switch from one group to the next. Here is the general plan:

-Now through June 30, attend the group based on the grade you are finishing.

-Starting July 1, attend based on the group you’ll be going into next fall.

We operate out of a place of grace on this topic throughout the summer. If you child who is between groups shows up at the wrong time, we’ll let them come. By the time school starts in August, though, we’ll be stricter as to having all kids attend the group that’s for their own grade.

If you are tired from carrying
heavy burdens, come to me and
I will give you rest.
---- Matthew 11:28

Thursday, March 31, 2011

April 2011

Pastor’s Notes


With spring in the air, it can be hard to stay focused. The bright colors, fresh air, and sunshine distract us from our daily tasks. The thoughts of summer fun sometimes lead our minds to “check out” of school or work a little early.

This can happen at church, too. Kids who have attended regularly throughout the year sometimes start slipping in participation once the warmer weather arrives.

Please be sure to help your child enjoy the wonders of spring while not neglecting the important regular activities as well. This is important at home, school, and church.

And with Easter upon us, spring is a great time to gather at the church with friends and family to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Please note the schedule of Holy Week activities in this newsletter and plan to attend them together.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. It is truly an honor to be able to serve with you in helping your child’s spiritual growth and development.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

April Topics

April’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

4/1 The Last Supper
4/8 Jesus and Lazarus
4/15 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
4/22 Good Friday and Easter
4/29 The Road to Emmaus

The 8:00 High School Group will continue their study of the Gospel of Luke.

Holy Week

Below is a schedule for Holy Week. Please join us in preparation of our Easter celebration.

Palm Sunday (4/17)
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
3:00 p.m. Kids’ Church

Maundy Thursday (4/21)
7:00 p.m. Last Supper Service

Good Friday (4/22)
12:00 noon – 3:00 p.m.
Church open for prayer and meditation

Easter Sunday (4/24)
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
3:00 p.m. Kids’ Church

The joy of the LORD is your strength.
---- Nehemiah 8:10b

Monday, February 28, 2011

March 2011

Pastor’s Notes


What a difference one month can make. Winter is still in full force the last week of February but by the first of April we’ll expect spring to be coming at us in full force.

When spring is in the air, I’m sure your child will start thinking about going to camp with the church in the summer. Historically, March and April is when kids either make the final push to earn their way to camp or get distracted by the spring weather and miss the cut.

Please help your child make good choices about church participation, especially these next several weeks. This can make a real difference.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

Health Fair

The University of Maryland School of Nursing will have its Health Fair at the Power House on Sunday, March 6, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. This event is for all ages so come and bring your friends and neighbors with you. Kids will receive church attendance credit if they come, even if they are normally too old to receive credit at Kids’ Church activities.

March Topics

March’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

3/4 Jesus and the Rich Young Man
3/11 Jesus and Zacchaeus
3/18 Jesus Blesses Little Children
3/25 The Transfiguration

The 8:00 High School Group will continue their study of the Gospel of Luke.

Camp Fundraiser Night
Monday, March 7
4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Chick-fil-A in Lansdowne (by Walmart)

Say “I’m with The Power House” when you place your order that night and Chick-fil-A will donate 20% of what you spend to our camp fund. See you there!

Save the Date

This year’s summer camp in Virginia is Sunday, July 10 through Saturday, July 16. We’ll begin announcing who had earned their way to camp by early May.

Monday, January 31, 2011

February 2011

Pastor’s Notes


February brings cold weather and snow. It also brings us Valentine’s Day.

Pre-teen and teenaged kids are at a stage in life when they’re trying to understand what love is all about. This time of year provides a great opportunity for us as adults to both talk with our kids and model appropriate loving behavior.

Naturally at church we spend a lot of time teaching and trying to model God’s love for each person and for the world He created. We thank you for your continued trust in letting us help in this portion of your child’s life.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

Summer Camp

It’s not too early to start thinking about camp this summer. This year we’ll be at a different campground in Virginia. The dates for camp are July 10-16. The fees for camp have increased significantly so we’re working hard to find funding. Please keep in mind that participation in camp is earned through participation in activities at The Power House. Watch this newsletter for more information in the months to come.
February Topics

February’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

2/4 Jesus Calls His Disciples
2/11 Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
2/18 Jesus Walks on Water
2/25 Jesus Heals a Man

The 8:00 High School Group will continue their study of the Gospel of Luke.

Going Green

As you may have noticed, Pizza Church Press and Kids’ Church News are now being printed front and back on the same sheet of paper. Since so many households get copies of both newsletters, this will cut our paper use nearly in half. Be sure to check the other side of this newsletter for more information.


Often at this time of year many kids start to cut back in their attendance in church activities. This lack of participation can quickly turn into a bad habit and can hurt their chances of being able to attend camp next summer. Please remind your kids on Fridays when it’s time for Pizza Church so that they can continue in their study and fellowship.

Always be glad because of the Lord! I will say it again: Be glad. –Philippians 4:4