Monday, January 9, 2012

January 2012

Welcome to a New Year!

Now that decorations are starting to come down and everyone is going back to their regular routines, it is a great time to think about our resolutions for the New Year.

We know that most of us make an attempt at New Year’s Resolutions. We start out well but many of us fizzle out after a few weeks. This year, instead of putting diet and exercise first, let’s put God on the top of the resolution list. A New Year is a perfect time to explore God’s promises and faithfulness. At the end of the year, many of our resolutions will still need work, but God always keeps His promises.

He promises to be with us always, never leaving us. God promises to supply our needs, to bless us with life and give us grace.

Now that Christmas has past and we have unwrapped God’s greatest gift and promise, Jesus; we hope that He will be on the top of your resolutions list. Remembering God’s promises and making a new commitment to follow in his footsteps is a great way to start the New Year. We are all a work in progress.

At the Power House, we are blessed and honored to be a part of your children’s lives and community. Together we are building the Kingdom of God here and now.

In Christ,

The Power House

January Topics

This month we will be looking at different pictures of God. We can’t take a picture of God with a camera, but we can use the Bible to understand what God is like. Hopefully by the end we will have a clearer picture of God that we can show to people we meet.

January’s topics for the 6:00 4th and 5th grades and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

1/6 Pictures of God- God is like a Rock
1/13 God is like an Artist
1/20 God is like a Roommate
1/27 God is like a Gift

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying the Gospel of Mark.


SonRisers, our time with donuts and hot chocolate for kids on their way to school, has started! We’ll be open each Wednesday school is in session. Remember to collect your Scripture cards, six different colored cards can earn a free t-shirt. Be sure to stop by and say hello!

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Search “The Power House Community of Christ” to receive the latest news, information, and photos from the church.

December 2011

Merry Christmas!

For many of us, December is a month we look forward to all year. The twinkling lights, carols and decorations help get us into the Christmas spirit.

Throughout December there are many great activities happening at the Power House. We invite you and your families to join us as we celebrate the true reason for the season, the birth of our Savior, Jesus.

This month at Pizza Church, we will read about the birth of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Why Mary and Joseph? What happened in the manger that special night? What about those wise men and the star? And most important, what does the birth of baby Jesus mean for us?

When we think about Christmas and enjoy the presents and lights, may we remember the greatest gift we get to share every day, an indescribable gift; the love of our God through the gift of Jesus. How can you share this indescribable gift with others this Christmas season?

Christmas is the perfect time to share this gift with others. And you don’t even need to wrap it! We look forward to celebrating with you and your family this Christmas.

In Christ,

The Power House

December’s Topics

December’s topics for the 6:00 4th and 5th grades and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

12/2 The Birth of Jesus
12/9 Wise Men and Shepherds
12/16 Christmas Challenge
12/23 Merry Christmas!
12/30 New Year’s Resolutions

The 8:00 High School Group will be studying the Gospel of Mark.

Community Events

Dec. 4th- Arundel Singers 6pm at the Power House
Enjoy a FREE concert of your favorite Christmas carols and songs

Dec. 10th- The Tot Lot Christmas Bazaar at the Bath House- 11am

Dec. 18th- Kid’s Church Christmas Party

Dec. 24th- Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Come enjoy a quiet evening of worship and singing.
Service begins at 7pm at the Power House.

Dec. 25th- Christmas Day Service- 11am
Come Celebrate with Us!

Kid’s Church Christmas Party!

Join us on December 18th at 3pm for our annual Kid’s Church Christmas Party! Bring your children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends. We will have games and activities for children and youth. Come help up celebrate Christmas!