Saturday, April 30, 2011

May 2011

Pastor’s Notes


I hope your Easter celebrations went well. Let us celebrate our risen Savior every day!

Many of you have been wondering about camp this summer. With that I have good news.

We’ll be using a different campground this year. It’s right at the edge of the Shenandoah Mountains and features things like its own lake for swimming, fishing, and canoeing. It also has excellent hiking trails, waterfalls, and other features that our old campground lacked.

With these features comes a higher price. We continue to work at raising monies to send kids this year. With the current economy, raising money has been more of a challenge than ever.

Please join us in prayer about this issue. We have many kids who would like to go to camp and need the money to make it happen.

In addition, if you know of someone or some organization who would like to sponsor sending a kid to camp, please have them contact me at and I can help them do so.

Thank you for your continued support and trust. It is an honor to work with you.

In Christ,

Pastor Jeff Anderson

May Topics

May’s topics for the 6:00 Elementary and the 7:00 Middle School Groups are as follows:

5/6 Honor Your Father and Mother
5/13 Jesus and Thomas
5/20 Jesus Appears on the Shore
5/27 Jesus and Peter

The 8:00 High School Group will be starting a new video-based series of lessons.

Grade Changes

Since Pizza Church groups are divided by grade, I get many questions about when kids should switch from one group to the next. Here is the general plan:

-Now through June 30, attend the group based on the grade you are finishing.

-Starting July 1, attend based on the group you’ll be going into next fall.

We operate out of a place of grace on this topic throughout the summer. If you child who is between groups shows up at the wrong time, we’ll let them come. By the time school starts in August, though, we’ll be stricter as to having all kids attend the group that’s for their own grade.

If you are tired from carrying
heavy burdens, come to me and
I will give you rest.
---- Matthew 11:28